Staff ID430469
Staff Type Permanent
Phone 9446805403
Join Date 2002-07-08
Address Associate professor, Department of Architecture, TKM College of Engineering, Kollam – 691005
Publications 6
Ph.D.ArchitectureIIT Kharagpur2015
M.Arch. (Architecture)Architectural ConservationSchool of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi2005
B.Arch. (Architecture)ArchitectureBVBCET, Hubli1998

1. Fountainhead Design Services, New Delhi.

2. Vastushilpalaya, Thiruvananthapuram.

3. TKM College of Engineering, Kollam

4. TKM College of Engineering, Kollam

5. TKM College of Engineering, Kollam

International Journals
SI. NoTitleCategoryAcademic Year
1Factors influencing environmental perception: A systematic reviewInternational Journal papers with impact factor<1.52020-21

National Journals
SI. NoTitleDescriptionCategoryAcademic Year
1 An analytical format for identification and translation of traditional principles for designing Contemporary Chatushala residential houses of Kerala. Abacus-7, ISSN:0973-8339Journal Papers2012-13

International Conferences
SI. NoTitleCategoryAcademic Year
1Cultural significance of Fibonacci numbersInternational Conferences2020-21
2Habitable transition sheltersInternational Conferences2020-21
3Generative Design Model for Floorplan Generation of a Single Family Detached ResidenceInternational Conferences2020-21
4A Framework for Healthy Campus Design in Indian UniversitiesInternational Conferences2020-21

Journal Papers
SI. NoTitleCategoryAcademic Year
1 Journal Papers2012-13

Programmes Attended

SI NoName of ProgramCategoryAcademic Year
1Online Training Program on Advanced Building ServicesSTTP2020-21
2“Learning to Teach and Teaching to Learn: Architecture Online”STTP2020-21
3Significance of Planning in GridSeminar2020-21
4A Short Term Course in E-Teaching with Learning Management SystemsSTTP2020-21
5An Introduction to Artificial IntelligenceSTTP2020-21
6‘Effective Utilization of Digital Platforms for Content Development and Delivery’STTP2020-21
7Environment and BehaviourSeminar2020-21
8Outcome Based education and AccreditationFDP2020-21
9Outcome Based education and AutonomyFDP2020-21
10Sustainable Concepts in Civil Engineering and ArchitectureFDP2020-21
11Making Slums LivableSeminar2020-21
12Building with Arches, Domes and Vaults for a sustainable futureSeminar2020-21
13Rebuilding a Resilient Kerala after the floodsConference2019-20
14WATER THOUGHTS : A Journey Through Water Buit-ScapesSTTP2019-20
15Technological Advancements in Materials for ConstructionSTTP2018-19
16Recent Advances in Project Planning and ManagementSTTP2017-18
17Patent Rules, Patent Drafting and IPR Development, St.Gits,KottayamSTTP2017-18
18Advances in Concrete Technology with Special Emphasis on Sustainable development,STTP2017-18
19Advanced Building Services for ArchitectsFDP2017-18
20Tropical Landscape Design,Dept.of Architecture, TKMCEFDP2016-17
21Health, Safety & Environmental Management Systems,TKMCESTTP2016-17
22Concrete for present and futureSTTP2015-16
23International symposium on Tropical Architecture and urbanismConference2015-16
24Rediscovering the Myth and Science of VastushastraSTTP2014-15
25Emerging Trends in Urban Design & Planning in Contemporary IndiaSTTP2008-09

1. Traditional knowledge systems

2. Sustainable Design

3. Computer Applications in Architecture.


1. Traditional knowledge systems

2. Sustainable Design

3. Computer Applications in Architecture.