Staff ID 790134
Staff Type  Permanent
Phone  9946664604
Join Date  2016-06-01
Publications  1
B.Arch. (Architecture)ArchitectureKerala University2009
M.Arch. (Architecture)General ArchitectureIIT Roorkee2015

1. Ecorhythm Architects

2. Travancore Builders

3. SOA, Mookambika Technical Campus Designation: June 2015 – May 2016

National Conferences

SI. NoTitleCategoryAcademic Year
1Presented paper in the National Conference on “Sustainable Built Environment”. Paper title – “Creating Elderly Friendly Neighbourhoods – An Assessment Matrix”National Conferences2014-15
SI NoName of ProgramAcademic Year
1TECHNICAL SUPPORT FOR SUCHITWA MISSION – to eradicate open defecation. NSS Unit of TKMCE provided a technical support for implementing the project at Munrothuruthu ( special case of – differential settlement, salinity & material transportation)2017-18
2Resource Person at The South zone State level Volunteer Secretaries Workshop organized by NSS Technical Cell2017-18
3“AWARENESS PROGRAMME ON COST EFFECTIVE CONSTRUCTION TECHNIQUES” at Chittumala block panchayath for the beneficiaries of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY) project2016-17


Programmes Attended
SI NoName of ProgramCategoryAcademic Year
1“Effective Utilization of Digital Platforms for Content Development and Delivery” TKM College of Engineering, Kollam 6 days (Online) 4-7, 12, 14 August 2020STTP2020-21
2“Quality of Life: Livability in Future Cities” edx – ETH Zurich (MOOC)Other Programs2020-21
3“Inculcating Universal Human Values in Technical Education” organized by AICTE (5 days Online) 19 – 23 October 2020STTP2020-21
4“Water Thoughts- A Journey through water built-scapes” @ Dept. of Architecture, TKMCE. Sponsored by APJKTU 15-19 July 2019STTP2019-20
5“Learning to Teach and Teaching to Learn: Architecture Online” by COA-TRC 26 – 30 May 2020 (Online)STTP2019-20
6“Orientation Course for NSS Programme Officers”@ Empanelled Training Institute for NSS, Rajagiri college of Social Sciences 15-21 January 2020Other Programs2019-20
7“Orientation Program for NSS Programme Officers” @ CET, Sponsored by APJAKTU. 26-28 June 2019Other Programs2019-20
8AICTE Quality Initiatives, National Initiative for Technical Teachers Training (NITTT) and National Educational Alliance for Technology (NEAT) 6th March 2020 at (FISAT), ANGAMALY.Seminar2019-20
9“Climate Responsive Architecture” Sponsored by Abdul Kalam Technological University @ College of Architecture, Mulayara P O, Trivandrum 23 – 27 July 2018STTP2018-19
10“Contemporary Technologies for Water and Wastewater Management” Sponsored by AICTE @ Dept Of Civil Engg. TKMCE 07 – 12 January 2019STTP2018-19
11“Disaster Management – an awareness program for polytechnic & Engineering College Teachers” Sponsored by NITTTR @ NITTTR, Kolkatta 24 – 28 July 2017STTP2017-18
12“Research avenues in Geo-environmental Engineering” Sponsored by AICTE @ Dept Of Civil Engg. TKMCE 04-07 December 2017STTP2017-18
13“State Level Programme Officers Workshop” (NSS) @ Sree Buddha College of Engineering, Pattoor. 26-27 August 2017Other Programs2017-18
14“Re calibrating Industry Institute Space” @ Dept Of Civil Engg, TKMCE; Sponsored by TEQIP 06 – 11 March 2017STTP2016-17
15“Regional Faculty Induction Programme” by NIASA held at Holy Crescent College of Architecture, Alwaye, Kerala (January 2016)STTP2015-16
16“COA Minimum Standards & Online Institution Management System (IMS) – 2015” organized by Council of Architecture @ College of Architecture, Trivandrum. on 8 – October 2015Other Programs2015-16
17Research Methodologies for Sustainable Built Environment” sponsored by Ministry of Renewable Energy and organised by Department of Architecture and Planning, IIT Roorkee. 16-18 October 2014Other Programs2014-15
18Short term course conducted by IIT Khargpur on “Changing Perspective on Environmental Design for Age Friendly Communities and Sustainable Built Forms” (April 2015)STTP2014-15
19National conference on “Sustainable Built Environment” held at Department of Architecture and Planning, IIT Roorkee.Conference2014-15