
SI.NoGuideArea of ResearchPhD CompletedOngoing
1Dr. Dili A. S.1. Passive environment control system of Traditional Architecture
2. Lightweight Technology for reducing resources and cost
3. Thermal Comfort
4. Architecture, Building Science, Building Technology
2Dr. Sumam Panjikaran AArchitecture, Planning and HousingNA1
SI NoResearch ScholarGuideTitle of Thesis / Area of ResearchResearch Type /UniversityStatus
1Mr. Nizar S. A.Dr. Dili A. S.Passive Building DesignUniversity of Kerala (2011)Ongoing
2Mr. Subhash Varma C RDr. Dili A. S.Contextual Relevance of Contemporary style Residences in Kerala – a study on the basis of Sustainable Development ObjectivesAPJ Abdul Kalam Technological University (2019)Ongoing
3Mr. Sujith K MDr. Dili A. S.Study of Cement Based Light Weight Building Technologies for Need Based Architectural DesignAPJ Abdul Kalam Technological University (2019)Ongoing
4Mr. Biju C. A.Dr. Dili A. S.Effectiveness of Architectural Design Based on Vasthuvidya PrinciplesAPJ Abdul Kalam Technological University (2019)Ongoing
5Mr. Nidhish P. J.Dr. Dili A. S.Tourism PlanningAPJ Abdul Kalam Technological UniversityOngoing
6Mrs. Abitha S ThampiDr. Dili A. S.Sustainable ArchitectureAPJ Abdul Kalam Technological University (2021)Ongoing
7Thasneem KaharDr. Sumam PanjikaranHousingAPJ Abdul Kalam Technological University (2021)Ongoing
S.NoFaculty NameTitle of PublicationType of PublicationYear
1NIZAR S APresented a paper on ‘Appropriate Technologies for Building Mass Reduction:A Comparative Investigation of Contemporary and Light weight houses of Kerala” in the International Conference on Science ,Engineering and Technology on June 1, 2019 at Trivandrum.International Conferences2019-20
2DR. ANNIE JOHNRedevelopment Plan for Commercial Area of Kollam City: Focus on Chammakada and Surrounding Areas of Chinnakada in International journal of Science and Research (ISSN: 2319-7064)International Journal Papers with impact factor >2.52020-21
3DR. ANNIE JOHNStudy on Stakeholder Collaboration and Heritage Tourism ManagementInternational Journal papers with impact factor<1.52019-20
4DR. ANNIE JOHNAppraisal of Munroe Island in Perspective of Tourism DevelopmentInternational Journal papers with impact factor<1.52019-20
5DR. ANNIE JOHNDimensions of liveability and identification of key parameters applicable for KeralaInternational Journal papers with impact factor<1.52019-20
6DR. ANNIE JOHNStrategic Orientation and Multiple Stakeholder Participation in the Tourism Planning Process: Study of a Heritage Destination in Kerala.Journal Papers2015-16
7DR. ANNIE JOHNA Methodology for Assessing Multi-Stakeholder Involvement Influencing Tourism Performance of Heritage Destinations-a Case Study of Kerala, IndiaOthers2015-16
8DR. ANNIE JOHNRole of Stakeholders Impacting Sustainability in Heritage Tourism: A Study of KeralaInternational Conferences2013-14
9DR. ANNIE JOHNPlanning for Eco-tourism in KeralaNational Conferences2006-07
10DR. ANNIE JOHNA Systematic Approach to Tourism PlanningNational Conferences2006-07
11DR. DILI A SEvaluation of Building Techniques in Optimization of Materials: A Comparative Investigation in the Residential Architecture of Kerala, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 16, Number 4 (2021) pp. 260-267.International Journal papers with impact factor<1.52020-21
12DR. DILI A SA literature overview of ‘effectiveness’ of community participation in participatory tourism planning, Sixth biennial International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Science and Technology (ICETEST 2020), 17th 19th December 2020.International Conferences2020-21
13DR. DILI A SRole of building mass in functionality and strength: An Investigation on selected types of Kerala Residential ArchitectureInternational Journal Papers with impact factor >2.52018-19
14DR. DILI A SAppropriate technologies for building mass reduction: A comparative Investigation of contemporary and light weight houses of KeralaInternational Journal Papers with impact factor >2.52018-19
15DR. DILI A SThe Dominant Roof, architecture Time Space & People, Vol-19, No-2, Pages: 38 – 43, February 2019Others2018-19
16DR. DILI A SICSET-19 Conference 2019, TrivandrumInternational Conferences2018-19
17DR. DILI A SSimple and Cool, architecture Time Space & People, Vol-17, No-1, Pages: 42 – 46, January 2018Others2017-18
18DR. DILI A S“See Learning as an Enjoyment, not a Burden”, All About Architecture Education in India, Volume 3, 2016.Others2016-17
19DR. DILI A SLight weight & Cool, Buildotech Magazine, Vol-10, No-2, Pages: 58 – 61, February 2016Others2015-16
20DR. DILI A SA Weathering Free Minimal House with Passive Environment Control System, architecture Time Space & People, Vol-15, No-1, Pages: 32 – 36, January 2016Others2015-16
21DR. DILI A SThe Weathering Free House, Buildotech Magazine, Vol-09 No-9, Pages: 52 – 55, September 2015Others2015-16
22DR. DILI A SCase Study: Roofing for a Passive Solar Home, Buildotech Magazine, Vol-08 No-6, Pages: 22 – 24, June 2014Others2014-15
23DR. DILI A SCool Home – Kayavil House, Inside Outside Magazine, April 2013 IssueOthers2012-13
24DR. DILI A SA Vernacular Expression, Architecture Time Space & People, Vol-13, No-2, Pages: 14 – 21, February 2013Others2012-13
25DR. DILI A SCool Home Design, Buildotech Magazine, Vol-07, No-1, Pages: 18 – 21, January 2013Others2012-13
26DR. DILI A SLow Cost Luxury, The Hindu daily, Property Plus, 24 November 2012Others2012-13
27DR. DILI A SPassive control methods for a comfortable indoor environment: Comparative investigation of traditional and modern architecture of Kerala in summer, Energy and Buildings, Vol-43, No-3, Pages: 653 – 664, March 2011International Journal Papers with impact factor >2.52010-11
28DR. DILI A SThermal comfort study of Kerala traditional residential buildings based on questionnaire survey among occupants of traditional and modern buildings, Energy and Buildings, Vol-42, No-11, Pages: 2139 – 2150, November 2010International Journal Papers with impact factor >2.52010-11
29DR. DILI A SPassive control methods of Kerala traditional architecture for a comfortable indoor environment: Comparative investigation during various periods of rainy season, Building and Environment, Vol-45, No-10, Pages: 2218 – 2230, October 2010International Journal Papers with impact factor >2.52010-11
30DR. DILI A SIEI (AR) Symposium 2010 (Calicut, Kerala)National Conferences2010-11
31DR. DILI A SPassive environment control system of Kerala vernacular residential architecture for a comfortable indoor environment: A qualitative and quantitative analyses, Energy and Buildings, Vol-42, No-6, Pages: 917 – 927, June 2010International Journal Papers with impact factor >2.52010-11
32DR. DILI A SPassive control methods of Kerala traditional architecture for a comfortable indoor environment: A comparative investigation during winter and summer, Building and Environment, Vol-45, No-5, Pages: 1134 – 1143, May 2010International Journal Papers with impact factor >2.52009-10
33DR. DILI A SInvestigation on indoor air temperature control of vernacular residential buildings of Kerala in summer, Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India) – AR, Vol-91, No-4, Pages: 17 – 19, April 2010Journal Papers2009-10
34DR. DILI A SDesign Conference 2010 (Chicago, USA)International Conferences2009-10
35DR. DILI A SStrands of Tradition for Temperate Indoors, The Hindu daily, Property Plus, 13 February 2010Others2009-10
36DR. DILI A SClimate Responsive Design for Comfortable Living in Warm-Humid Climate: The Need for a Comprehensive Investigation of Kerala Vernacular Architecture and its Present Status, Design Principles and Practices: An International Journal, Vol-4, No-2, Pages: 29 – 38, February 2010International Journal papers with impact factor<1.52009-10
37DR. DILI A S“Cool Home”, Designer Plus Builder Magazine, February 2010Others2009-10
38DR. DILI A SBuilding Science and Engineering 2009 (Johor, Malaysia)International Conferences2009-10
39DR. DILI A SHealthy Buildings 2009 (Syracuse, USA)International Conferences2009-10
40DR. DILI A SInvestigations on reactive powder concrete: A developing ultra high-strength technology, Reprinted with permission from Indian Concrete Journal, Construction Journal of India 2005.Journal Papers2004-05
41DR. DILI A SInvestigations on reactive powder concrete: A developing ultra high-strength technology, Indian Concrete Journal , Vol-78, No-4, Pages: 23 – 28, April 2004Journal Papers2003-04
42DR.SANTHOSHKUMAR K.G.A Framework for Healthy Campus Design in Indian UniversitiesInternational Conferences2020-21
43DR.SANTHOSHKUMAR K.G.Generative Design Model for Floorplan Generation of a Single Family Detached ResidenceInternational Conferences2020-21
44DR.SANTHOSHKUMAR K.G.Habitable transition sheltersInternational Conferences2020-21
45DR.SANTHOSHKUMAR K.G.Cultural significance of Fibonacci numbersInternational Conferences2020-21
46DR.SANTHOSHKUMAR K.G.Factors influencing environmental perception: A systematic reviewInternational Journal papers with impact factor<1.52020-21
47DR.SANTHOSHKUMAR K.G.An analytical format for identification and translation of traditional principles for designing Contemporary Chatushala residential houses of Kerala. Abacus-7, ISSN:0973-8339Journal Papers2012-13
48SUBHASH VARMA C RIOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and EngineeringInternational Conferences2020-21
49SUBHASH VARMA C RHabitat InternationalInternational Journal Papers with impact factor >2.52018-19
50POORNIMA KURUP5th International Conference on Modeling and Simulation in Civil Engineering (ICMSC 2019)International Conferences2019-20
51POORNIMA KURUP3rd International Conference on Materials, Mechanics, and Management (IMMM 2017)International Conferences2017-18
52DEEPA LA Direct Demand Model for Bus Transit Ridership in Bengaluru, IndiaJournal Papers2022-23
53DEEPA LAn analysis of individuals’ usage of bus transit in Bengaluru, India: Disentangling the influence of unfamiliarity with transit from that of subjective perceptions of service qualityJournal Papers2022-23
54DEEPA LThe omitted variable problem in mode choice models: Strengthening the case for considering public transit crowding in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemicInternational Conferences2022-23
55DEEPA LThe adverse impact of headway variability on bus transit ridership: Evidence from Bengaluru, India.Journal Papers2023-24
56DEEPA LPublic Transit Ridership Forecasting ModelsBook Chapters2021-22
57DEEPA LA Direct Demand Model of Bus Transit Ridership Considering Spatial Disaggregation, Demand-Supply Endogeneity, Accessibility Measures, Inter-Route Relationships, and Non-linear Service ResponseInternational Conferences2021-22
58SURYA P SRole of urban public space in sustaining mental well-being: Inferences from pandemic scenarioJournal Papers2022-23
59SURYA P SThe association of Emotional Well-being with Façade colour A study of Fontainhas, GoaInternational Conferences2023-24
60SURYA P SThe Colour Palette of Urban Street Facades and its impact on Emotional Well-BeingInternational Conferences2021-22
61HUDHA ABDUL SALAMPresented paper in the National Conference on “Sustainable Built Environment”. Paper title – “Creating Elderly Friendly Neighbourhoods – An Assessment Matrix”National Conferences2014-15
62HARITHA CJK AYA KNOW AND HEAL – 27 Years of Award Winning Public BuildingsBook Chapters2019-20
65SHAHANAZ JALEELANALYSING THE CURRENT APPROACHES IN RENOVATING INDIGENOUS CHURCHES OF KERALA, JETIR 2-19, issue 6, vol6International Journal Papers with impact factor >2.52019-20
66SHAHANAZ JALEELDefining The Identity of Technocentric Transformations In An Urban Edge – A Case of Kazhakuttom, TrivandrumJournal Papers2016-17
67SANGEETH KIntegrated Transportation and Land Use Planning Model A Study on Traffic Congestion in Urban Areas, International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR – ISSN: 2319-7064), July 2021, Vol 10 issue 7International Journal Papers with impact factor >2.52020-21
68SANGEETH KIntegrated Transportation and Land Use Planning for Decreasing Traffic Congestion in Kochi City, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET – e-ISSN: 2395-0056, p-ISSN: 2395-0072), July 2021, Vol 8 issue 7, Pages 2618 – 2634.International Journal Papers with impact factor >2.52020-21
69SANGEETH KPedestrian Planning in Kollam City, International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR – ISSN: 2319-7064), June 2021, Vol 10 issue 6, Pages 1530 – 1536International Journal Papers with impact factor >2.52020-21
70SANGEETH KFactors influencing Pedestrian Speed in Level of Service (LOS) of pedestrian facilities, Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives (TRIP – ISSN 2590-1982 (ELSEVIER)), Volume 3, December 2019, 100066International Journal papers with impact factor<1.52019-20
71SANGEETH KImpact Assessment of Kollam Bypass, IJSEM (International Journal of Science, Engineering and Management – ISSN (Online) 2456-1304), Volume 5 issue 4, April 2020, 68-75. 3rd International Conference on Interdisciplinary Research (Virtual Conference) (ICIR-2020), Institute for Engineering Research and Publication (IFERP) (17 – 18 July 2020)International Conferences2019-20
72SANGEETH KPhotographic Right Exposure and Standard Lighting, JETIR (An International Open Access Journal – ISSN 2349-5162), Volume 6 issue 3, March 2019, 90-94International Journal papers with impact factor<1.52018-19
73SANGEETH KAssessment of Day Lighting Performance of Institutional Building, JETIR (An International Open Access Journal – ISSN 2349-5162), Volume 6 issue 5, May 2019, 34-39. 2nd International Conference on “Emerging Trends on Engineering Science, Technology and Management” (ICETSTM 2019), Institute for Engineering Research and Publication (IFERP) (10 – 11 May 2019)International Conferences2018-19
74LAKSHMI S SHAJIUnravelling Mattur- A study on One of the Indigeneous Villages of IndiaInternational Conferences2020-21
75LAKSHMI S SHAJIConference Publication-Title: TRIBAL REDEVELOPMENT WITH COMMUNITY PARTICIPATIONInternational Conferences2019-20
76LAKSHMI S SHAJIContextual Form Based Coding as a tool in urban design preocessInternational Conferences2015-16
77SHIBINA.RImportance of site-specific methodological approach in evolving design parameters for restructuring peri-urban communities published in Asian Regional Conference on peri urbanization (ARCP-2019).International Conferences2019-20
78SHIBINA.RSpatial restructuring o discontinuous suburban growth, Discussion of a case, Dommasandra precinct, Bengaluru published in 17th National Conference on Technological Trends (NCTT2016).National Conferences2015-16
79ASHIMA ACrowd dynamics in shaping urban spaces: Case of Chalai Market Thiruvananthapuram.International Journal papers with impact factor<1.52020-21
80ASHIMA ACrowd dynamics a tool in shaping urban spacesNational Conferences2019-20
81SAMBATH R DEfficacy of Sex Differences on the Perceptual Experience of Virtual Building ImagesBook Chapters2021-22
82SAMBATH R DFactors influencing environmental perception: A Systematic ReviewInternational Conferences2020-21
84JOSIN BABY MATHEWCoastal Vulnerability Assessment of Kochi City, Using the Analytical Hierarchical ProcessJournal Papers2021-22
85JOSIN BABY MATHEWProposed Light Metro for Thiruvananthapuram City: Need to Superimpose Transit-Oriented DevelopmentJournal Papers 
86JOSIN BABY MATHEWStudy on the socio-economic vulnerability of coastal settlements in the context of KeralaJournal Papers 
87KARTHIK S KUMARStudy on the environmental impact of city bypass road development: A case example from KeralaInternational Conferences2024-25
88WARRIER CHITRA UNNIKRISHNANLife Cycle Analysis and Environmental Impact Assessment of Photovoltaic Panels at Cochin International Airport Limited, KeralaInternational Conferences2019-20