Staff ID 790144
Staff Type  Permanent
Phone  9586166863
Join Date  2016-06-01
Address  Department of Architecture, TKM College of Engineering, Karicode Kollam – 691005
Publications  7
B.Arch. (Architecture)ArchitectureUniversity of Calicut / MES College of Engineering, Kuttipuram2010
M.Plan. (Planning)Urban Transport Planning and ManagementCEPT University, Ahmadabad2013

1. Department of Architecture, TKM College of Engineering

2. Department of Calicut, NIT Calicut

3. NATPAC, Thiruvananthapuram

International Journals
SI. NoTitleCategoryAcademic Year
1Pedestrian Planning in Kollam City, International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR – ISSN: 2319-7064), June 2021, Vol 10 issue 6, Pages 1530 – 1536International Journal Papers with impact factor >2.52020-21
2Integrated Transportation and Land Use Planning Model A Study on Traffic Congestion in Urban Areas, International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR – ISSN: 2319-7064), July 2021, Vol 10 issue 7International Journal Papers with impact factor >2.52020-21
3Integrated Transportation and Land Use Planning for Decreasing Traffic Congestion in Kochi City, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET – e-ISSN: 2395-0056, p-ISSN: 2395-0072), July 2021, Vol 8 issue 7, Pages 2618 – 2634.International Journal Papers with impact factor >2.52020-21
4Factors influencing Pedestrian Speed in Level of Service (LOS) of pedestrian facilities, Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives (TRIP – ISSN 2590-1982 (ELSEVIER)), Volume 3, December 2019, 100066International Journal papers with impact factor<1.52019-20
5Photographic Right Exposure and Standard Lighting, JETIR (An International Open Access Journal – ISSN 2349-5162), Volume 6 issue 3, March 2019, 90-94International Journal papers with impact factor<1.52018-19

International Conferences
SI. NoTitleCategoryAcademic Year
1Impact Assessment of Kollam Bypass, IJSEM (International Journal of Science, Engineering and Management – ISSN (Online) 2456-1304), Volume 5 issue 4, April 2020, 68-75. 3rd International Conference on Interdisciplinary Research (Virtual Conference) (ICIR-2020), Institute for Engineering Research and Publication (IFERP) (17 – 18 July 2020)International Conferences2019-20
2Assessment of Day Lighting Performance of Institutional Building, JETIR (An International Open Access Journal – ISSN 2349-5162), Volume 6 issue 5, May 2019, 34-39. 2nd International Conference on “Emerging Trends on Engineering Science, Technology and Management” (ICETSTM 2019), Institute for Engineering Research and Publication (IFERP) (10 – 11 May 2019)International Conferences2018-19

1. Reviewer of Elsevier Journal – (TRIP) Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives – ISSN: 2590-1982 (from May 2019 – 2 reviews)

2. Reviewer of Scholar One Manuscripts for the Journal – Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science – SAGE journals (ISSN: 2399-8083) (from April 2020 – 1 review)

Project TitleAcademicYearFunded AgencyFunded Amount
Integrated Transportation and Land Use Planning for Decreasing Traffic Congestion in Kochi City (Thesis)2020-21  
Pedestrian Planning in Kollam City (Thesis)2020-21  
Integrated Transportation and Land Use Planning Model A Study on Traffic Congestion in Urban Areas (Dissertation)2020-21  
Impact Assessment of Kollam Bypass (Thesis)2019-20  
Study on parameters affecting trip generation (Dissertation)2019-20 
SI NoName of ProgramAcademic Year
1Presiding Officer for the Election Duty for LSGD General Election 2020, District Election Office, Kollam from 27-11-2020 to 08-12-20202020-21
2Presiding Officer for the Election Duty for KLA General Election 2021, District Election Office, Kollam from 11-03-2021 to 07-04-20212020-21
3Setting of Question paper of BC202 Building Materials and Construction IV for (KTU) Fourth Semester B.Arch. Degree Examination (Supply), September 20202020-21
4Member of the Department of Architecture TKMCE in Organising an International Workshop on “Rebuilding a Resilient Kerala after the Floods” along with University of Leeds, UK and Dept. of Civil Engineering, TKMCE (January 2019)2019-20
5Valuation Camp Officer for APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University (KTU) from 1st January 2019 to 14th May 20192019-20
6Valuation Chairman for APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University (KTU) from 1st January 2019 to 14th May 20192019-20
7Examination Observer for APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University (KTU) on 17th June 20192019-20
8Examination Observer for APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University (KTU) on 5th July 20192019-20
9Valuation Camp Officer for APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University (KTU) from 26th July 2019 to 16th August 20192019-20
10Chief Examiner for the Kerala University (KU) Eight Semester B. Arch (2013 scheme) Examination – 2019 from 21st November to 20th December 20192019-20
11Presiding Officer for the Election Duty for General Election to LOK SABHA 2019, District Election Office, Kollam from 27-03-2019 to 23-04-20192019-20
12Reviewer for the International Journal “TRIP (Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives (ISSN: 2590-1982) Elsevier)” from 17-05-2019.2019-20
13Reviewer for Scholar One Manuscripts for the Journal “Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science (SAGE journals (ISSN: 2399-8083))” from 07-04-20202019-20
14Setting of Question paper of BC201 Building Materials and Construction III for (KTU) Third Semester B.Arch. Degree Examination (Regular & Supply), December 20192019-20
15Examination Observer, APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University (KTU), 17th June 20192018-19
16Examination Observer, APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University (KTU), 5th June 20192018-19
17Setting of Question paper of BC201 Building Materials and Construction III for (KTU) Third Semester B.Arch. Degree Examination (Regular & Supply), December 20182018-19
18Setting of Question paper of BC201 Building Materials and Construction III for (KTU) Third Semester B.Arch. Degree Examination (Supply), May 20192018-19
19Setting of Question paper of BC202 Building Materials and Construction IV for (KTU) Fourth Semester B.Arch. Degree Examination (Regular), June 20192018-19
20Setting of Question paper of BC201 Building Materials and Construction III for (KTU) Third Semester B.Arch. Degree Examination (Regular), December 20172017-18
21Setting of Question paper of BC202 Building Materials and Construction IV for (KTU) Fourth Semester B.Arch. Degree Examination (Regular), May 20182017-18


Programmes Attended
SI NoName of ProgramCategoryAcademic Year
1Faculty Training Program on Effective Utilization of Digital PlatformsSTTP2020-21
2Climate Change Challenges – Mitigation and AdaptationSTTP2020-21
3Water thoughts : A journey through Water-BuiltscapesSTTP2019-20
4Online Course on Examination ReformsFDP2019-20
5Online webinar on Outcome Based Education SoftwareOther Programs2019-20
6Online Training Program on Advanced Building Services (Non-Certificate)FDP2019-20
7International Conference on Re-Discovering Cities 2K20Conference2019-20
83rd International Conference on Interdisciplinary Research (ICIR-2020) (Virtual Conference)Conference2019-20
9Online Training Program on Conscious Induction of Skills in Architectural PedagogyFDP2019-20
10Orientation Towards Technical Education and Curriculum Aspects (Module 1)Other Programs2019-20
11Livability in Future citiesSTTP2018-19
12Architectural AcousticsOther Programs2018-19
13Landscape Architecture and Site Planning – Basic FundamentalsOther Programs2018-19
14Rebuilding a Resilient Kerala after the FloodsConference2018-19
15Contemporary Technologies for Water and Wastewater ManagementSTTP2018-19
162nd International Conference on “Emerging Trends on Engineering Science, Technology and Management” (ICETSTM 2019)Conference2018-19
17Orientation Programme for FacultySTTP2017-18
18Recent Advances in Project Planning and ManagementSTTP2016-17
19Induction Training Programme for FacultySTTP2015-16

1. Architecture – Urban Development

2. Public Transport

3. Non-Motorized Transport

4. Transit Oriented Development

5. Day Lighting

6. Thermal Comfort

7. Pedestrian Facilities


1. Back to Home Project (Flood Relief Work – Member of the team), TKMCE, 26-08-2019 till date

2. Development Plans for Pandanad and Budhanoor (Worked as a member for data collection and stakeholder meeting), Pandanad and Budhanoor Panchayath, 27-11-2019 to 30-01-2019

3. Redesigning and Beautification of the premises of Railway Stations Kilikollur and Kundra, Mukkada, Kollam (Project Coordinator), Kerala State Coastal Area Development Corporation (KSCADC), 29-01-2019 till date

4. National Rurban Mission Preparation of Spatial Master Plan of Clusters (Proposal given for 6 clusters), Department of the Rural Development, Govt. of India, 14-06-2019 till date

TitleYearFunded AgencyFund
Back to Home Research – Comparative Assessment and Optimization of Building Materials (Resources) used for Building Construction (Part 2)2020-21TKMCE Alumina2689800
Identification of appropriate technology and materials for building construction at Munroethuruth, Kollam (Proposal given), Office of the Housing Commissioner, Thiruvananthapuram, 16-05-2019 till date2019-20Office of the Housing Commissioner, Thiruvananthapuram5 lakhs (Awaiting approval from government)
Back to Home Research – Comparative Assessment and Optimization of Building Materials (Resources) used for Building Construction (Part 1 – continuation)2019-20TKMCE Alumina2528856
Back to Home Research – Comparative Assessment and Optimization of Building Materials (Resources) used for Building Construction (Part 1)2018-19TKMCE Alumina2528856